Our Beliefs
Spotlight Good News Ministries Statement of Faith.
Foundational Belief—The Bible
The Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testaments, is the written Word of God. The Bible faithfully, accurately, and authoritatively directs us to Jesus Christ, the Word of God incarnate. The Bible is fully inspired by God. It therefore is essential for teaching and training God’s people to live for and to serve Christ. We base the following essential beliefs on the foundational truth of the Bible.
Essential Belief 1: God
There is one God and only one God, who is complete and perfect in goodness and greatness. This one God exists in three Persons—the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The first person of the Trinity is God the Father Almighty. Because he is God Almighty, he is infinite. Because he is God the Father, he is intimate.
Essential Belief 2: Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ, the second person of the Trinity, was born of the Virgin Mary. At one and the same time, he is fully divine and wholly human, except for sin. Jesus died as the atoning sacrifice for sin. He bodily rose from the dead, completely and eternally alive to give eternal life to all who trust Him.
Essential Belief 3: The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, is co-equal with the Father and the Son. The entire Christian life is to be lived in relationship with and dependence on the Holy Spirit. In particular, the Spirit empowers us to spotlight the Good News in our words and deeds.
Essential Belief 4: Salvation
We cannot merit God’s favor, no matter how we try. Salvation was established by Christ’s atoning death on the cross. In love, God through the Spirit freely reaches out to save us. When by grace through faith we trust Christ, we receive the gift of salvation. We are born of the Spirit and become God’s children. We then grow in salvation to become more like Christ. Our salvation will be completed when Christ comes again to gather his people to himself.
Essential Belief 5: Christian Life
Christians are called to the Great Commission of spreading the gospel to the whole world. We spotlight the Good News as we speak and share salvation in Jesus Christ. Christians are called to the Great Commandment of displaying God’s love through sacrificial service. We spotlight Good News as we live to serve.
Essential Belief 6: The Church
The True Church is comprised of everyone through all time who believes the Good News, trusting Jesus as Savior and Lord. The local church consists of members who live by faith in Christ. The local church isn’t perfect. It is a work in progress and must constantly depend on the Spirit for its mission and ministry in faith, hope, and love. As a parachurch ministry, SGNM is called to complement and support the ministry of Christ’s Church. It comes alongside the Church to assist its work, not to diminish or substitute for it.
Essential Belief 7: The Last Things
At the end of time, Christ will return to reign as Lord over the new heavens and new earth. God will judge all people. Those who live by faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord will be eternally saved. Those who do not will be subject to God’s upright and just judgment forever. In all things—past, present, and future—to God alone be the glory forever!